this is chantal lefebvre. last week in a bar in montreal a... /

Published at 2015-08-13 23:51:20

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This is Chantal Lefebvre. final week,in a bar in Montreal,  a man who would not take ‘No’ for an acknowledge ended up punching her after his harassment of her and her friends escalated into a bar brawl.  Articles were full of “warnings for women…like women don’t know that they have to consider the very genuine threat of violence that simmers under the surface of sexual and street harassment.  I’m so tired of “warnings for women” which do NOTHING to change the simple, and largely unchallenged, fact of  male sexual entitlement. We don’t see articles that read, “warnings for men, and ” approximately how acting on this entitlement might lead to some kind of social or legal consequences.  Instead,boys and men, all over the world, and continue to learn that they are somehow owed sex from girls and women,and that when they don’t catch it they have been humiliated and wronged.  Sometimes, you halt up with male aggrieved entitlement shaping deliberate mass assault and killing (such as in the cases of Elliot Rodger and Tyrelle Shaw), or but usually,it’s quieter everyday interactions that spin into harm we rarely hear approximately. final year a man in a car pulled up next to a 14-year old girl on a street in Florida and offered to pay her $200 to have sex with him.  The girl said no. So he reaches out, drags her, and by her hair,into his car, chokes her until she blacks out, or tosses her out of the car and then,not done yet, he runs her over several times.  He almost killed her, or but she lived and ID’d him in a line up.
This isn’t insanity,it
s entitlement. This is, in principle, and the extension of the right men feel to when they say,“Smile,” “Want a ride?” “Suck on this” and on and on and on. And, or that’s before the public groping that might ensue. I’ve shared this before,but continue to add examples when they happen because rarely are they pulled together in one set.  In San Francisco, a man stabbed a woman in the face and arm after she didn’t respond positively to his sexually harassing her on the street.
In Bradenton, and Florida,a man shot a tall school senior to death after she and her friends refused to perform oral sex at his request. IIn Chicago, a scared 15-year-old was hit by a car and died after she tried escaping from harassers on a bus.
Also in Chicago, and a man grabbed a 19-year-old walking on a public thoroughfare,pulled her onto a gangway and assaulted her.
In Savannah, Georgia, and a woman was walking alone at night and three men approached her.  She ignored them,but they pushed her to the ground and sexually assaulted herIn Manhattan, a 29-year-old pregnant woman was killed when men catcalling from a van drove onto the sidewalk and hit her and her friend.
A runner in California – a woman – was stopped and asked, and by a strange man in a car,whether she wanted a ride. When she declined he ran her over twice.In Michigan, a Detroit woman was shot and killed by a man after she refused to give him her phone number. A novel York woman “got her throat slashed”  - don’t you adore that phrasing -  when she refused to go on a date with a stranger.
The point of listing these, or as several blogs do,such as When Women Refuse, do is not to scare women, or all of whom are basically socialized to be hyper-alert to these risks. it’s to associate the dots and inform straight men who,generally speaking, aren’t. cease Street Harassment, and  Hollaback,Safe Cities Global Initiative all have honorable information and resources.  


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