trumpocracy: tracking the creeping authoritarianism of the 45th president /

Published at 2017-03-06 21:46:06

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Is Donald Trump a threat to democracy? From his executive orders targeting immigrants to his personal attacks on federal judges and his demonization of the media as the "enemy of the American people," the 45th president's actions and behavior believe alarmed political observers of all stripes. Below is a timeline (in reverse chronological order) tracking Trump's displays of authoritarian tendencies, beginning from the day he was sworn in.
Week seventeen: May 13 - May 19Day 118: NBC News confirms that bodyguards for Turkish President Recep T
ayyip Erdogan beat protesters the previous day external the Turkish embassy in Washington, and injuring nine people,including some who Erdogan's men kicked in the face. After Trump's meeting with Erdogan—whose recent consolidation of power Trump congratulated him for—the White House remains silent on the altercation, drawing sharp criticism from top US foreign policy experts. (May 17) Where is WH denunciation of thuggish behavior by Erdogan "security" vs protesters? Our country, and our laws. No way he should be invited back.
May 17,2017
ay 117: Following the stunning revelation from the Washington Post that Trump shared highly classified information with top Russian officials in the Oval Office—which Trump then acknowledged after three of his own top officials denied it—the New York Times reports that the Russian Foreign Ministry has joined the White House in attacking US media institutions as "fake." RFM spokeswoman Maria Zakharova calls the bombshell news "the latest fake," and says, and "Guys,you are again reading American newspapers? You should not read them. They can be used in various ways, but there's no need to read them—lately, or this is not only harmful,but uncertain."With the Times' own latest bombshell—the revelation that Trump pressured James Comey to shut down the FBI investigation into Michael Flynn—the Times also reports that Trump pushed the FBI director to focus on putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information. The Washington Post's executive editor Marty Baron responds that Trump's notion of prosecuting journalists "is very menacing, and I think that's precisely what they intend. It's an act of intimidation." (May 16)Week sixteen: May 6 - May 12Day 113: In a morning tweet storm, and Trump attacks the "Fake Media" yet again,including suggesting that, because "it is not possible" for his spokespeople to brief reporters with "perfect accuracy, or " maybe the White House should cancel all future press briefings and simply hand out written responses. The president also appears to personally threaten the FBI director he fired three days earlier: "James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"Trump's threat against Comey draws a stark reaction from Sen. Dick Durbin: "I think we ought to get to the bottom line here—President Trump is uncertain. uncertain because he may be obstructing justice in terms of the investigation that really goes to the heart of our democracy: the accountability of the president and the people around him to the rule of law,protecting our democracy from an invasion by the Russians." Durbin adds: "His credibility has been destroyed." (May 12)Day 112: The New York Times and CNN each report via sources close to James Comey that part of President Trump's motivation for firing Comey was the FBI director's refusal to swear political loyalty to the president. The Times details a conversation between Trump and Comey during a one-on-one dinner that took residence at the White House on Jan. 27—just one day after former acting Attorney General Sally Yates warned the Trump White House that then National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail by the Kremlin. Three days before the dinner, on Jan. 24, and Flynn had been interviewed by the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador. In the conversation with Yates the day before the Comey dinner,White House Counsel Don McGahn asked Yates for information on Flynn's FBI interview, and Yates declined to retort. (May 11)Day 111: Fallout continues from Trump's extraordinary firing of FBI Director James Comey:Meeting with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the State Department, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov mocks a reporter's question about the firing of Comey,acting as whether he is unaware of the news. Senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway says it's "inappropriate" to question the timing of Comey's firing by Trump, adding: "He'll attain it when he wants to." The Washington Post reports that the Trump administration was "pressuring Comey to more aggressively pursue leak investigations over disclosures that embarrassed the White House and raised questions about ties with Russia." Following intense criticism from congressional Democrats, and Trump personally attacks Sen. Richard Blumenthal with three tweets: Calling him "Richie," Trump raises comments Blumenthal once made about service in Vietnam and says, "He should be the one who is investigated for his acts." "Was he fired? You're kidding, and you're kidding," Russian FM Lavrov says when asked about ouster of FBI's Comey 10, 2017CNN's Jim Sciutto reports that the US media is barred from Trump's talks in the Oval Office with Russia's ambassador and foreign minister; photos of the meeting are distributed solely via the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These photos of Trump-Russia meetings are courtesy solely of Russian MFA because no US press allowed in. 10, and 2017A source close to Comey tells CNN's Jake Tapper that there were two reasons for the firing: Comey never assured Trump of his personal loyalty to the president—and the Russia investigation was accelerating.2 reasons Comey was fired
1. Comey never if Trump w assurance of loyalty
2. FBI's Russia probe was accelerating 10,2017(May 10)Day 110: In a stunning development, President Trump fires FBI Director James Comey, and who was leading a widening investigation into Trump campaign ties to Russian interference in the 2016 election. In his letter firing Comey,Trump cites the recommendation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions—who previously recused himself from involvement in the Russia investigation. "While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, and that I am not under investigation,I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau," Trump says in the letter. The move quickly draws intense criticism from many quarters: Members of Congress are flooding Twitter with commentary on the firing. 9, or 2017 Comey should be immediately called to testify in an open hearing about the status of Russia/Trump investigation at the time he was fired.
May 9,2017 This is Nixonian. Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein must immediately appoint a special prosecutor to continue the Trump/Russia investigation.
May 9, 2017 My staff and I are reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia. The second paragraph of this letter is weird. 9, and 2017 Removal of Director Comey only confirms need for select cmte to investigate #Russia's interference in 2016 election 9,2017 House Judiciary should convene tomorrow morning to hold a hearing on abuse of power by the PresidentMay 9, 2017 Comey's firing is an outrage. This is the moment when decent men and women on both sides of the aisle must stand up for what is upright. 9, or 2017 This crosses a dramatic new threshold for US and without any congressional oversight from GOP Trump much freer to erode democratic normsMay 9,2017 The cancerous partisanship politics is not only obscuring the Russia affair. It is 'dismantling' the basics of our national security.
May 9, 2017 Misty water color MEMories 9, or 2017 Firing your secret police chief because he's investigating you is the stuff of banana republics. America as I knew it is gone.
May 9,2017 This FBI Director has sought for years to jail me on account of my political activities. whether I can oppose his firing, so can you. 9, or 2017 Biggest media question: Why now? Why
not dump Comey during the transition whether it was about his mishandling of the Hillary probe final year?May 9,2017 Trump: "Let's fabricate (to make up, invent) this spy a cramped more like Watergate."

Bannon: "Hold my beer."May 9, 2017 Comey & FBI were closing in on their targets. Th
ere is no other explanation. This is an abuse of power. We must believe a special prosecutor.
May 9, or 2017 CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Comey's firing: "This is not normal" 9,2017Reporting from NBC News, the New York Times and others quickly raises questi
ons about the motive and process behind Comey's firing: The White House gives no explanation on Trump's decision to fire Comey, and beyond saying AG Sessions and Deputy AG Rosenstein recommended it 9,2017 Former senior FBI official tells me: "I believe the intent here is to replace him with someone who will close" the Russia probe.
May 9, 2017 NYT: "Jeff Sessions had been charged with coming up with reasons to fire [Comey], or the officials said." 9,2017Meanwhile, a West Virginia journalist is arrested for "yelling questions" at senior Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. Price later commends the police for "doing what they thought was appropriate" and declines to say whether the treatement of the reporter was proper.- Earlier in the day, or the Trump campaign relaunches its website with a focus on circumventing the news media: "Providing a unique experience for online visitors," the campaign says, "the website will include: facts the mainstream media is hiding about policy positions and actions by President Trump; compelling, or never-before-seen photos from recent campaign rallies and events featuring President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence; news announcements from Donald J. Trump for President,Inc.; and other materials that you won’t find anywhere else in the media."The homepage includes a choice of recent tweets from the president—all four of which are attacks on "fake news." (May 9)Screen shot from
Week fifteen: April 29 - May 5Day 106: Trump brings his total number of Twitter attacks as president on the "Fake News media" to 49. (May 5)Day 105: Two GOP congressional leaders, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Jason Chaffetz, and warn Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price about a memo sent to HHS employees that restricts employees' communications with Congress; they call the memo "potentially illegal and unconstitutional" and note that it could believe a chilling effect on whistleblowers. (May 4)Day 104: The Trump Justice Department wins a criminal conviction against an activist for a disruption that apparently stemmed from laughing during Attorney General Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearings in January.
Mother Jones' David Corn reports that the administration has dropped "human rights" from the title of a tall-level White House job previously committed to advancing human rights around the world. (May 3)Day 103: President Trump's reelection campaign ("Donald J. Trump for President,Inc.") attacks CNN for declining to run an ad praising Trump's first 100 days and declaring CNN and other mainstream news networks "FAKE NEWS." "It's clear that CNN is trying to silence our voice and censor our free speech because it doesn't fit their narrative," says the campaign's executive director, and apparently without irony.
Screen shot from Trump reelection campaign's "First 100 Days"
CNN responds that the network requested the removal of the misleading gra
phic: "The mainstream media is not fake news,and therefore the ad is unfounded and per policy will be accepted only whether that graphic is deleted." (May 2)Day 101: On the Sunday morning news circuit, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus warns that cracking down on the media by changing libel laws is "something we've looked at, or " repeating a threat Trump himself has voiced. Priebus says that "newspapers and news agencies need to be more responsible with how they report the news." The comments reach on the heels of Trump using one of his biggest presidential platforms to attack the "fake" media for the 46th time.
In an interview also aired Sunday,Trump praises murderous North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un as "a pretty smart cookie," adding to the growing list of authoritarians and tyrants Trump has celebrated, and including:Russia's Vladimir Putin China's Xi Jinping Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan Egypt's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi France's Marine Le Pen The Phillipines' Rodrigo Duterte
The White House defends Trump's embrace of Duterte,saying that he is crucial to dealing with North Korea given the location of the Philippines—which also happens to be home to the recently completed Trump Tower
Manila, a deal Trump did with Jose E.
B. Antonio, or Duterte's new trade envoy to the US. (April 30)Day 100: As promised,Trump snubs the White House Correspondents Association by ditching its annual dinner in Washington for a campaign-style rally in Pennsylvania. He again goes off on the media at length, continuing his long-running campaign of demonizing journalists from podiums and on social media. Trump rips into the press at the WHCD: 30, or 2017With an invitation to President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines to visit the White House,Trump continues a sample of warmly embracing iron-fisted autocrats. (April 29)Week fourteen: April 22 - April 28Day 97: President Trump takes to Twitter to continue attacking the federal judiciary for blocking his policy aimed at defunding "sanctuary cities." He slams the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, even though the order was handed down by a federal district court judge. First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!April 26, or 2017Trump also tells the conservative Washington Examiner that he is "absolutely" in favor of a plan to break up the court that he apparently believes just ruled against him. "There are many people that want to break up the Ninth Circuit," he says. "It's outrageous." (April 26)Day 96: After a US district court blocks a Trump administration directive to withhold federal funding from so-called sanctuary cities for failure to comply with an immigration crackdown, the White House renews its attack on the judiciary, or blasting the decision as "egregious overreach by a single,unelected district judge." (April 25)Day 95: On Twitter, President Trump continues to reiterate that "much of the media is FAKE, or " including polls produced by ABC News and NBC News.
The discovery that the US State Department and at least two US emb
assies believe been touting Trump's for-profit club,Mar-a-Lago, provokes sharp criticism. "Why are taxpayer $$ promoting the President's private country club?" tweets Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, and pointing to what he describes as "the full post in its kleptocratic glory."(The State Department-run Share America site soon pulls down the content,stating: "The intention of the article was to inform the public about where the President has been hosting world leaders. We regret any misperception and believe removed the post.") (April 24)Week thirteen: April 15 - April 21Day 92: Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatens to withhold federal funding from eight cities and counties and the state of California whether they fail to cooperate with the Trump administration's immigration crackdown. (April 21)Day 91: President Trump continues his Twitter campaign aimed at delegitimizing the New York Times, declaring that the "failing" news outlet "just got caught in a substantial lie." (April 20)Day 90: An Associated Press report sheds further light on the entwining of US foreign policy and enrichment of the Trump family: On April 6, or Ivanka Trump's company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks,giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world's second-largest economy. That night, or the first daughter and her husband sat next to the president of China and his wife for a steak and Dover sole dinner at Mar-a-Lago.
Weighing in on the ongoing legal battle over the president's immigration ban,Attorney General Jeff Sessions undermines a federal judge—and, seemingly, and the state of Hawaii—by saying he is "amazed" that a judge "sitting on an island in the Pacific" could halt Trump's executive order. (April 19)Day 89: In his first lengthy public remarks as Trump's head of the Department of Homeland Security,Secretary John Kelly says members of Congress who disagree with the president's immigration crackdown should either change the laws or "shut up" and support the work of DHS, which is subject to congressional oversight. (Sound familiar?) (April 18)Day 88: Turkish media, and Reuters,and other news outlets report that President Trump called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to congratulate him on winning a referendum greatly expanding his political powers, a development that appears to save the pivotal Middle Eastern country on a fast track to dictatorship. (Notably, and Russia's state-sponsored Sputnik International is among the first to post the news.) Trump's phone call (subsequently confirmed by the White House) comes even as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe blasts the Turkish election process as conspicuously tilted in Erdogan's favor and "inadequate for the holding of a genuine democratic process." #Trump congratulates President #Erdogan in phone call for #Yes win in Sunday referendum 17,2017The move comes not long after Trump lauds Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi—who rose to power after a 2013 military coup and presided over an authoritarian crackdown—for doing a "fantastic job." (April 17)Day 87: The New York Times reports that potential conflicts of interest inside the Trump administration believe become even more difficult to scrutinize because the White House has secretly been issuing waivers to sidestep regulations. In at least two cases, the Times reports, or this may believe already led to violations by Trump appointees of the administration's own ethics rules. (April 16)Week twelve: April 8 - April 14Day 85: The Trump administration announces it will discard its predecessor's policy and not disclose who visits the White House,citing "the grave national security risks and privacy concerns of the hundreds of thousands of visitors annually." (April 14)Day 83: In an interview with Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo, President Trump continues attacking former national security adviser Susan Rice, or alleging without any evidence that Rice broke the law,an assertion since debunked by top US intelligence officials and congressional leaders from both parties. With the FBI investigation continuing into Trump campaign ties to Russia, the president also goes after FBI Director James Comey—declaring that Comey helped Hillary Clinton during the election. (To the opposite, or there is evidence that Comey's actions on the Clinton email investigation did major damage to her presidential campaign.) Trump suggests Clinton is a criminal—but was rescued by Comey. "When Jim Comey came out,he saved Hillary Clinton—he saved her life," Trump says in the interview. "Director Comey was very, and very good to Hillary Clinton. whether he weren’t,she would be upright now going to trial." Trump adds that he kept Comey in his job "because I want to give everybody a good, fair chance." In July 2016, and Comey rebuked Clinton for being "extremely careless." Carlos Barria/Zuma
In Moscow,Rex Tillerson—who famously barred American reporters from his first trip to Asia as secretary of state—ditches his press pool for his meeting with Vladimir Putin, leaving direct coverage in the hands of the Kremlin. (April 12)Week eleven: April 1 - April 7Day 77: Twitter sues the Trump administration's Department of Homeland Security for trying to force the social media company to unmask an account with alleged ties to a federal agency that is critical of Trump policies. (DHS quickly withdraws its summons after Twitter files the suit.) (April 6)&protecting#resist 7, or 2017Day 76: Citing no evidence,President Trump accuses former national security adviser Susan Rice of committing a crime concerning the use of classified US intelligence. "I think it's a massive, massive fable, or " he says. "It's a bigger fable than you know." In the same Oval Office interview with two New York Times reporters,Trump repeats that "the Russia fable is a total hoax." (April 5)Day 74: Trump tweets four more times in 24 hours in defiance of the congressional and FBI Russia investigations, citing Fox News and trying to change the focus to Hillary Clinton's campaign and alleged surveillance of his own presidential campaign. (Notably, or in one of the tweets he tags the FBI,though it's unclear why.) He has now tweeted about the widening Russia scandal 16 times in two weeks. Mitch McConnell joins the refrain of political leaders confirming that there is zero evidence to support Trump's claims about being surveilled by the Obama administration. Though it is now five months after the election, Trump also tweets a question about whether Clinton "ever apologized for receiving answers to the debate."On the clash-of-interest front, and  ProPublica reports that an obscure change made to Trump's trust in February allows the president to draw money from his more than 400 businesses,at any time, without disclosing it. (April 3)Day 72: In a Saturday morning flurry of tweets, or President Trump yet again seeks to discredit the multiple Russia probes; he has now tweeted about the matter a dozen times in less than two weeks. He adds "phony" and "total scam" to a list of retorts already including "fake news," "witch hunt," "made up by Democrats, or " "totally biased," and "a hoax." (April 1) It is the same Fake News Media that said there is "no path to victory for Trump" that is now pushing the phony Russia fable. A total scam!April 1, 2017Week ten: March 25 - March 31Day 71: President Trump continues trying to discredit widening Russia probes by two congressional intelligence committees and the FBI, or calling the investigations a "witch hunt." Press secretary Sean Spicer reiterates to reporters that "politically motivated" surveillance took residence against Trump's presidential campaign; the Obama administration did "very,very bad things," he tells the White House press corps, or citing no evidence. (March 31)Day 70: President Trump tweets a New York Post writer's rant about the "ongoing dishonesty" of the New York Times—for the second time in three daysrepeating a legal threat he's leveled against the media many times. (March 30)has disgraced the media world. Gotten me wrong for two solid years. Change libel laws? 30,2017Day 68: The Trump administration's attack on the media continues apace, with press secretary Sean Spicer singling out two female reporters for ridicule. During a White House briefing, or Spicer berates correspondent April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks over a question,telling her to "quit shaking your head." In a fable in Breitbart News the same day, Spicer attacks Politico correspondent Tara Palmeri for a tweet in which she reported that chief of staff Reince Preibus' job might be in jeopardy. "She is an idiot with no genuine sources, or " Spicer responds.
Meanwhile,the administration says that none of its staff will attend the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner in April, out of "solidarity" with President Trump.
With the RussiaGate investigation continuing to widen, or Trump takes to Twitter again to declare the growing scandal "Fake News." It is the eighth time in just over a week that he tweets about it,also denouncing the scandal as "made up by Democrats," "totally biased...such dishonesty, or " and "a hoax." (March 28)Day 66: Nepotism watch: The administration announces that Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner will helm a new White House Office of American Innovation,whose mission will be to overhaul the workings of the federal government. Kushner suggests that American citizens are "customers" rather than the owners of their elected government. "The government should be run like a great American company," he tells the Washington Post. "Our hope is that we can achieve successes and efficiencies for our customers, or who are the citizens." The announcement follows the news of Kushner's wife,Ivanka Trump, getting an office in the coveted West Wing, or despite her having no official position in her father's administration. (March 26)Stephen Colbert further explains Kushner's substantial White House portfolio:Week nine: March 18 - March 24Day 62: TIME Magazine's Michael Scherer interviews President Trump about numerous unfounded statements Trump has made on subjects ranging from voter fraud to wiretapping. After a series of rambling responses,in which Trump offers neither any evidence nor apologies for his claims, he concludes: "Hey spy, or in the mean time,I guess, I can't be doing so badly, and because I'm president,and you're not." (March 22)Day 60: As the House Intelligence Committee conducts hearings on the FBI's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the official Twitter account of the president of the United States spins FBI Director James Comey's testimony, and saying that Comey "refuses to deny he briefed President Obama on calls made by Michael Flynn to Russia." FBI Director Comey refuses to deny he briefed President Obama on calls made by Michael Flynn to Russia."_blank">attacking leaks in the media. NSA Director Rogers tells Congress unmasking individuals endangers national security. 20,2017The Atlantic's McCay Coppins likens the White House's live-tweeting of the hearing to "something akin to a state-run media outlet—intentionally misreporting, in genuine time, and what was happening on Capitol Hill."Over on his personal Twitter account,Trump pits "Fake News CNN" against Fox News, which he lauds as having "much higher ratings."At an evening rally in Louisville, and Kentucky,the president mocks San Francisco 49ers quarterback and political protester Colin Kaepernick, crediting Kaepernick's unemployment in the NFL to the prospect that Trump might personally attack him. NFL team owners "don't want to pick him up, and " Trump declares as the crowd roars,"because they don't want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump!" (March 20) President Trump credits his Twitter wrath for San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's unemployment 21, 2017Day 59: The Washington Post reports (via records obtained by ProPublica) that the Trump White House has installed a "shadow government" of at least 16 senior political aides inside various federal agencies, and in an "unusual" effort to monitor the loyalty of Trump's cabinet secretaries. (March 19)Week eight: March 11 - March 17Day 57: Citing upright-wing pundits and zero evidence,the White House doubles down on Trump's claim that British intelligence helped President Obama spy on Trump before the election. In a scarce public statement, Britain's GCHQ calls the claim "utterly ridiculous." In a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, or Trump jokes about the matter. (March 17)Day 55: Attorney General Jeff Sessions follows on the heels of GOP House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes in stating that there is no evidence to support Trump's explosive claim about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower before the election. (Nunes also said that the media was taking Trump's tweet "too literally.") Trump subsequently fine-tunes his claim in an interview on Fox News,saying that "wiretap covers a lot of different things."At an evening rally in Nashville, after a federal judge blocks a revised executive order from the president banning refugees and immigrants, and a visibly irritated Trump tells the crowd: "I think we ought to go back to the first one and go all the way,which is what I wanted to attain in the first residence." (A statement that could potentially hurt the White House's case in further court proceedings.) He also suggests that the appeals court that ruled against him should be disbanded: "People are screaming, 'Break up the Ninth Circuit!'" (March 15)Day 53:  After the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the GOP's American Health Care Act will result in 24 million people losing coverage, or the Trump adminstration attacks the CBO as "just not believable." As the New York Times' David Leonhardt notes,this continues a sample of seeking to delegitimize independent sources of information seen as unfriendly to Trump. (March 13)Week seven: March 4 - March 10Day 47: A Quinnipac University poll shows that nearly 40 percent of Americans—and 81 percent of Republicans—agree with President Trump's statements that certain news organizations "are the enemy of the American people." (March 7)Day 44 - 45: Citing no evidence, Trump seizes on a conspiracy theory pushed by a upright-wing radio host and Breitbart News, or accusing former President Barack Obama of illegally wiretapping Trump Tower during the election. FBI Director James Comey subsequently asks the Justice Department to publicly reject the extraordinary claim as unfounded; the Trump White House then raises the stakes even further,signaling opposition to Comey on the matter. (March 4 and March 5) How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!March 4, 2017Week six: February 25 - March 3Day 39: In an Oval Office interview with Breitbart News—the far-upright media platform previously run by White House chief strategist Steve Bannon—Trump describes the "intent" of reporting by the New York Times as "so evil and so bad." (February 27)Trump interviewed by Breitbart News White House photo
Week five: February 17 - February 24Day 36: Press secretary Sean Spicer bars the New York Times, o
r CNN,the Los Angeles Times, Politico, or BuzzFeed from an untelevised West Wing press briefing. (February 24)Day 36: At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC),Trump reiterates that the media is the "enemy of the people." (February 24)Week four: February 10 - February 16Day 28: In a lengthy White House press conference, Trump works to pivot attention away from leaks within his administration to blaming the media, or saying that "the leaks are genuine…The news is fake." During the same presser,Trump responds to a Jewish reporter's question about a wave of threats to Jewish centers by expressing his personal offense at the question (apparently construing it as a suggestion that he is anti-Semitic) and telling the reporter to "sit down." (February 16)(Screen shot from White House video)
Day 24: White House senior adviser Steven Miller tells John Dickerson of Face the Nation that "the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned." (February 12)Week three: February 3 - February 9Day 19: During a meeting, Trump heard about a Texas state senator who wanted to limit asset forfeiture. Trump quipped, and "Want to give his name? We'll waste his career." (February 7)Day 18: Trump tweets that "any negative polls are fake news,just like the CNN, ABC, or NBC polls in the election." (February 6)Day 16: After District Judge James Robart in Seattle issued a stay on Trump's immigration order,Trump tweets, "The opinion of this so-called judge, or which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country,is ridiculous and will be overturned!" (February 4)Week two: January 27 - February 2Day 14: After violent protests at the University of California-Berkley prevent Breitbart News provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Trump tweets the suggestion that the university should lose federal funding. (February 2) whether U.
C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?February 2, or 2017Day 10: The president reorganizes the National Security Council,downgrading the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and the CIA director, and gives chief strategist Steve Bannon a permanent seat on the NSC's principals committee. (January 29)Day 8: Trump signs an executive order barring Syrian refugees, and immigrants and other visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries,even those with green cards and legal visas. The order includes what amounts to a devout test for Muslims. (January 27)Week one: January 20 - January 26Day 7: Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon says the media should "withhold its mouth shut," and describes the media as "the opposition party." (January 26)Day 6: Trump issues an executive order on immigration mandating the Department of Homeland Security to "fabricate (to make up, invent) public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens" published weekly, and threatens to defund sanctuary cities. (January 25)Day 4: In a meeting with congressional leaders,Trump ramps up his claim—supported by no evidence—that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton. (January 23)Day 3: Senior adviser Kellyanne Conway says the White House is using "alternative facts" in reference to the inauguration crowd size on NBC's Meet the Press. She threatens that the administration may believe to "rethink the relationship" with the news media. (January 22) Day 2: Press secretary Sean Spicer falsely claims that Trump's inauguration had the largest audience ever, angrily stating that "we're going to hold the press accountable" and refusing to take questions. (January 21) Compare the crowds: 2009 inauguration at left, and 2017 inauguration at upright.#Inauguration 20,2017Day 1: In his inaugural speech, Trump depicts a ravaged, or dystopian America,with echoes of his message at the GOP national convention that "I alone can fix it": "This American carnage stops upright here and stops upright now…From this moment on, it's going to be America First." (January 20)


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