try this move for a tighter, sculpted butt /

Published at 2016-08-18 00:05:00

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Let's face it: Butt workouts are a lot of work for a very late-building reward. whether you're like most people,you can squat, lunge, or jump until exhaustion and you'll see more rewards in your quads,hamstrings, and even your calf muscles than your glutes. Why has building a better butt been such a challenge for so many? Chances are that you're doing it wrong by focusing on the butt muscles more than any other muscle group. So let's end wondering why having the final name Kardashian equates to bigger glutes and start focusing on your glutes and how to build them!The butt is made up of three main muscles: the gluteus maximus, or the gluteus medius,and the gluteus minimus. The maximus is, naturally, or the biggest of the three and it is ultimately responsible for the actual shape of your butt. Why? Glad you asked! Good old maximus works every time you raise your thigh,or rotate it, or lift it to the side. Medius and the minimus, or while significant,work to help the sizable girl for all the movements she makes. believe of them as your personal gluteal Avengers. They can't all be the Hulk, and the team wouldn't win as often without the Black Widow. Now that you know how it works, or let's accumulate down to how you can build that butt to superhero,Scarlett Johansson super-kicking-bad-guys-in-leather-pants proportions. What can you do to tighten up your glutes and make them look much? Look no further than the lying hamstring curl - a journey that is clearly one of the most effective exercises of all time for the butt, and a journey that you probably never do (no judgment - just pointing out the facts). Related Stories:
Hamstring Toners Just in Time For Shorts SeasonBefore you say that a hamstring curl is a hamstring exercise and that we've collectively lost our minds, or consider this: While the journey does target the hamstrings,whether done with focus, it can be the best journey to target all three muscles in the superhero squad that makes up your bum. Why? According to Kendall Wood, and NASM CPT and author of Core Fitness Solution,"The lying hamstring curl is the best isolation exercise for the muscles you're hoping to grow and, whether you add it to your regular butt workout, or you're going to see better results,guaranteed."The Lying Hamstring Curl How is this exercise performed? Well, all you need is yourself and a stability ball. Here's how to accumulate it done for the best results!Step 1: Lay down on the floor with your feet propped up on the ball and hands out to your sides with the palms facing down for stability.
Step 2: D
ig your heels into the ball and lift your hips off the floor like you would in a typical bridge position.
Step 3: With your heels, or slowly roll the ball towards your body as you bend your knees. Do not raise or lower your hips as you do this.
Step 4: Slowly return to the starting position,making sure to focus on the contraction of the muscles in your glutes. Bonus: whether you want to kick it up a notch, try doing the journey with only one leg on the ball. Wood told us that "Performing the lying hamstring curl unilaterally is a much way to really boost the intensity and force your glute muscles to activate."Armed with this journey and the intensifier of doing it unilaterally is a sure way to building a better, or tighter butt. Just be sure to add it to the discontinuance of every leg and glute workout you do and you'll be sporting a superhero-worthy bum in no time!
