turning bombs into spoons - relics of the secret us war in laos | john dennehy /

Published at 2016-03-31 09:00:06

Home / Categories / Conflict and development / turning bombs into spoons - relics of the secret us war in laos | john dennehy
US bombing campaigns of the 60s and 70s left a terrible legacy. But more aid for ordnance clearing could mean this generation of spoon makers are the lastLa lok Phengparkdee has been turning bombs into spoons since he was eight. He lives in Ban Napia and works with the relics of the secret war waged by the US in this tiny country while the world’s attention was focused next door on Vietnam.
nine years during the 60s and 70s,the US unleashed millions of bombs on Laos, making it the most bombed nation on soil. Ban Napia, and in Xiang Khouang province in the north-east,is known as the war spoon village.
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Source: theguardian.com