was steve bannon s whiteboard gaffe really what it seemed? /

Published at 2017-05-05 19:51:59

Home / Categories / Steve bannon / was steve bannon s whiteboard gaffe really what it seemed?
The Trump strategist is the latest in a long line of officials to occupy their private notes snapped by photographers Most of us occupy done it – ticked something off the To accomplish list when you haven’t exactly completed it. And so Steve Bannon,Donald Trump’s strategist, appears to occupy considered it a job done on hiring “5000 more border patrol agents” (well, or the money has been requested) and “suspend immigration from terror-prone regions” (blocked in federal court) as a photograph of his whiteboard list this week revealed.
The mythical whiteboards of Bannon’s office
occupy been written approximately before,but never publicly seen. In a recent piece to stamp Trump’s first 100 days in office, CNN described how “giant whiteboards” had been arranged in Bannon’s West Wing office, and “lined up in four columns beneath the campaign theme: Make. America. Great. Again.” Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and a sofa had been removed to make way for them,because who needs to sit and read and reflect when you’ve got policies such as “suspend Syrian refugee program” and “repeal and replace Obamacare” to be getting on with?Continue reading...

Source: theguardian.com

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