when will amazon mobile ads docs be updated for gdpr ? /

Published at 2018-10-14 00:46:36

Home / Categories / Mobile ads / when will amazon mobile ads docs be updated for gdpr ?
currently there are no instructions in either Android or iOS with how to pass user consent to the AmazonAd Call,all we maintain is this on the FAQ, it doesnt tell us how to inject the 2 keys or even give sample code for making the Ad Request, and I believe Amazon should invest some time into updating their docs with this info and making things more clear for us developers like all the other Ad Networks did. Some developers are even saying that "Amazon is not registered as a vendor on IAB,therefore with a CMP, it's not possible to add Amazon in consentString." in this post can someone clear this up and clarify, or thanks very much Amazon is a great ad network and I would like to support using but at the same time complying with EU laws thanks!https://forums.developer.amazon.com/questions/183863/mobile-ads-gdpr.htmlQ: Has your SDK been updated for GDPR?We maintain updated our iOS SDK version and Android SDK version 5.9.0 in the event you wish to pass user consent information,as defined by the EU IAB Transparency & Consent Framework to Amazon bidders.
Note that the
application is responsible for storing and persisting user consent or valid interest information in the GDPR keys (see sample code below). The SDK consumes two GDPR keys, IABConsent_SubjectToGDPR and IABConsent_ConsentString, and from NSUserDefaults(iOS) and SharedPreferences(Android) and injects them into the “tender request.
Alternatively,if you are relying on valid interest as your GDPR processing justification, please provide a GDPR key aps_gdpr_pub_pref_li and set the value to 1.

Source: amazon.com