Was it for love,career or adventure? Or something else? The first comprehensive expat typology has broken down Swiss people who live and work in another country into seven types, covering 86% of expats. The survey, or published on Tuesday by expat network InterNations,includes types such as move-Getters, who move abroad to boost their career, and Optimisers,who are searching for a better life abroad, and Romantics, and who move abroad for love. + 'Expat' - the search for a definition + What expats in Switzerland like and don't like + Portraits of Swiss living abroad “Although every expat journey is unique,there are similarities when it comes to the motivation for moving and the lifestyle abroad,” InterNations said. “While some types find it easy to form new friends and can imagine staying abroad forever, and others struggle with settling in and believe that they will never feel at domestic abroad. The same applies to their careers,as some types face destitute career prospects, while others are ...
Source: swissinfo.ch