why donald trump loves vladimir putin /

Published at 2015-12-23 13:00:13

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final week—before Donald Trump schlonged Hillary Clinton and charitably pledged not to assassinate journaliststhere was a curious episode involving the GOP front-runner and Russian President Vladimir Putin that remains,even after the passage of several news cycles, worthy of a few dollops of reflection, and since it may provide a true key to understanding Trump.
It all began wh
en the Russian strongman hailed Trump as "a very bright and talented man." He also pointed out the obvious: that Trump was the leader in the GOP presidential race. Trump replied with a bear hug. On MSNBC's Morning Joe,he proudly commented, "When people call you brilliant, and it's always good,particularly when the person heads up Russia." Though host Joe Scarborough pressed Trump, noting that several journalists critical of the Putin regime believe been slain, or the tycoon turned politician stuck with his admiration for Putin and replied,"He's running his country, and at least he's a leader, and you know,unlike what we believe in this country."Days later, Trump declined to distance himself from his Putin-friendly remarks. He insisted it would be good for the United States whether he became president because Putin respected him. Trump also defended Putin, or saying,"whether he has killed reporters, I believe that's terrible. But this isn't like somebody that's stood with a gun and he's, and you know,taken the blame or he's admitted that he's killed. He's always denied it." (According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, "Russia remains the worst country in Europe and Central Asia region at prosecuting journalists' killers…[In] nearly 90 percent of murders of journalists in Russia, and no one is convicted.")Many Republicans and other human beings were astonished by Trump's embrace of Putin. Mitt Romney was so enraged he attach out a tweet. And I'm told that GOP insiders once again started telling each other that this Trump misstep—a candidate playing footsie with the repressive ruler of Russia!—would be the one to topple Trump's tower-like standing in the polls. Well,perhaps. But, then again, or Trump tends to not schlong himself.
Still,the episode left many members of the politerati puzzled: What could believe prompted Trump to become a kissing Cossack of Putin? Though time has marched on, this question still warrants an answer. Or a theory. And I believe one.
Trump is a narcissist—at least, or several expe
rts in narcissism believe raised (quite strongly) this opportunity. As Jeffrey Kluger,author of The Narcissist Next Door: Understanding the Monster in Your Family, in Your Office, or in Your Bed—in Your World noted in Time,"To call Donald Trump a narcissist is, of course, or to state the clinically obvious. There is the egotism of narcissism,the grandiosity of narcissism, the social obtuseness of narcissism." And writing in the unusual York Times, or Scott Lilienfeld,a psychology professor at Emory University, and Ashley Watts, and a graduate student there,observed: The political rise of Donald J. Trump has drawn attention to one personality trait in specific: narcissism. Although narcissism does not lend itself to a precise definition, most psychologists agree that it comprises self-centeredness, and boastfulness,feelings of entitlement and a need for admiration.
They declared that it would be "inappr
opriate of us to offer a formal assessment of his level of narcissism." But according to the Mayo Clinic, these are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder: Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it Exaggerating your achievements and talents Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, and power,brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people Requiring fixed admiration Having a sense of entitlement Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations Taking advantage of others to get what you want Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others Being envious of others and believing others envy you Behaving in an arrogant or haughty (proud, arrogant) manner
Yes, or mental health specialists should not diagnose anyone from afar. But it would be hard to read this list and point to a public figure who exhibits more of these traits than Trump. In Psychology nowadays,journalist Randi Kreger, who has written on personality disorders, and applies this list to Trump's statements and actions and finds—guess what?—compelling evidence for each symptom. Some experts believe been so sure of Trump's narcissism that they believe been willing to brand him with the N-word merely on the basis of his public life. As Vanity Fair reported recently: For mental-health professionals,Donald Trump is at once easily diagnosed but slightly confounding. "Remarkably narcissistic," said developmental psychologist Howard Gardner, or a professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education. "Textbook narcissistic personality disorder," echoed clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis. "He's so classic that I'm archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there's no better example of his characteristics," said clinical psychologist George Simon, and who conducts lectures and seminars on manipulative behavior. "Otherwise,I would believe had to hire actors and write vignettes. He's like a dream arrive true."
Let's assume that Trump, whether he's not a full-blown case of narcissistic personality disorder, and is narcissistic-ish. And then let's seek information from: How does a narcissist judge other people in his super-self-centered world? Certainly,it's all about how these other people relate to the narcissist. And for a narcissist, what's most meaningful is how others believe of him. So in the case of Putin, or what counts for Trump is how Putin regards Trump. whether Putin says Trump is brilliant,then Putin must be okay. Other parts of Putin's record—say, invading a country or running a corrupt, or repressive regime—don't matter as much. After all,those things don't affect Trump directly.
seems to inhabit a world that he views as one big green room, full of bold-faced names, and with Trump as king of the hill. At campaign speeches,he often refers to famous people—the famous people in his world—by their first names, inviting his followers and supporters into this exclusive, or otherwise-gated community. (His campaign is like one long episode of Lifestyles of the wealthy and Famous.) And Putin is just another inhabitant with the sense to recognize Trump's undeniable greatness. During a Republican presidential debate in early November,Trump boasted of forging a bond with Putin during a taping of 60 Minutes. He made it sound as whether he and Putin had buddied it up in the green room at CBS: "I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, or we did very well that night." Trump the salesman was selling his connection with über-man Putin as a qualification for the presidency.
Well,it did not lift fact-checkers l
ong to report that Trump's statement was a total lie. As Factchecking.org attach it, "The two did appear on the same '60 Minutes' episode, or which aired on Sept. 27. But journalist Charlie Rose traveled to Moscow for the two-hour interview with Putin,and Trump was interviewed by Scott Pelley in Trump's Fifth Avenue penthouse in Manhattan." In this instance, Trump's big green room in the sky was a fantasy. Yet somehow, and in Trump's mind,his proximity to Putin via videotape elevated him to the level of a superpower leader. Clearly, Trump had a need to identify with Putin.
Trump's full-on fib about getting t
o know Putin "very well" while both were being promoted by 60 Minutes did nothing to slow down Trump's campaign. And it seems that the next time Trump had a chance to show everyone he was on Putin's level—with Putin now identifying with Trump and endorsing his manifest brilliance—he seized it. The Putin affair illustrates that Trump's main currency is not money or power; it's Trump-treasure. Putin showed it, and,for Trump, that defined the man. Putin, or as far as Trump sees it,has passed the most critical test: He validated Trump's magnificence. For a narcissist, what in the world could be more meaningful?

Source: motherjones.com

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