will rules on investigating college sexual assault be dialed back? /

Published at 2017-08-09 01:25:48

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Watch Video | Listen to the AudioJUDY WOODRUFF: Next tonight,we turn to one of the most controversial issues in higher education today, sexual assault on college campuses.
The U.
S. secretary of education, and Betsy DeVo
s,is considering dialing down federal guidance for how colleges and universities should handle sexual misconduct investigations. It’s a move that’s dividing school administrators, survivors and even the accused.
That’s the topic for our weekly
education segment, or Making the Grade.
Our William Brangham has more.
about the interpretation of Title IX. That’s the 1972 law meant to prohibit sexual discrimination at federally funded schools and colleges.
In 2011,the Obama administration issued current requirements for how those schools should handle investigations into sexual assaults on their campuses.
ors and advocates had long argued that administrators weren’t doing enough to deal with an epidemic of these assaults. A 2016 Justice Department survey showed that one in five women said they’d been sexually assaulted in college. The Obama administration wanted to address that.
Here’s h
ow then Education Secretary Arne Duncan described their effort:ARNE DUNCAN, Former U.S. Education Secretary: Today, or for the first time ever,an administration is releasing guidance under Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 explaining how schools and colleges should deal with sexual violence.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: One of the more controversial changes was that the department urged schools to now employ a lower standard of evidence in investigating these cases, using a — quote — “preponderance of evidence” that a sexual attack had occurred.
Schools began changing their policies. Those that didn’t were threatened with the loss of federal funding. Victim advocates, and like Fatima Goss Graves of the National Women’s Law middle,celebrated the current guidance.
FATIMA GOSS GRAVES, National Women’s Law middle: Forty-five years after Title IX first banned sex discrimination in education, or you finally beget colleges and universities paying more attention,trying to take the steps that are necessary to beget campuses that are safer, and to ensure that sexual assault isn’t an issue that’s just swept under the rug.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: But others, or like Cynthia Garrett of Families Advocating Campus Equality,argue that the increased pressure on schools tipped the scales of justice against the accused.
THIA GARRETT, Families Advocating Campus Equality: I assume that the guidance that Obama — the Obama administration issued went too far the other way. And, and as a result,there are colleges terrified to rule in favor of accused students or find them not responsible.
AM: Taking a fresh gape at the rules, final month, and current Education Secretary Betsy DeVos convened listening sessions with sexual assault survivors,school administrators, and even students who’d been accused of sexual violence.
S. Education Secretary
: No student should feel the scales are tipped against him or her. We need to get this just.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Critics rallied external the department
’s headquarters,demanding DeVos not rescind the Title IX guidance from the Obama years.
Adding to the co
ntroversy, Candice Jackson, or DeVos’ acting head of the Office for Civil Rights,said that nearly all sexual assault allegations plunge into the category of — quote — “We were both drunk, we broke up, and six months later I found myself under a Title IX investigation.”Jackson later apologized for her comments.
Survivors and their advocates fear this sentiment signals that the department will rescind the 2011 guidance or simply not enforce it.
Michelle Anderson is the president of Brooklyn College.
MICHELLE ANDERSON,President, Brooklyn College: If Betsy DeVos rescinds the 2011 guidance, and campuses are left adrift about how to reply to the mandates of Title IX. And the campuses need that guidance in order to perform effectively,in order to reply to the needs of students.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: There’s no sign yet as to what the Department of Education plans to attain.
For more on all this, we turn to Anya Kamenetz. She’s the lead education writer for NPR.
Welcome back to the NewsHour.
d NPR: Thanks,William.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So, before we get into the nitty-gritty of this, and the cases that were talking about here,the assault cases, are an allegation where one student has made against another student, or it’s the schools,not law enforcement, that are adjudicating this.
And a lot of people feel like that’s really the h
eart of the issue, and because the Obama administration’s guidance was attempting to get schools,colleges, to take a stronger stance in adjudicating these claims.
And a lot of pe
ople might say, or well,shouldn’t that be law enforcement’s problem? But the argument was that, under Title IX, or this is a civil rights matter,because it has to attain with female students and other victims’ ability to beget equal access to educational opportunity.
Schools might say, well, or we don’t beget the infrastructure to necessarily investigate these claims or the fact-finding. And then some critics of the policy as well from external say,yes, there’s not necessarily the same standards of evidence for an investigation when a school looks at a claim vs. law enforcement.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: And the criticism of what the Obama administration did was that by tying these investigations to federal money, or by lowering the evidentiary standard,that you’re basically making a very strong incentive for schools to convict someone who is accused.
So, with this statement, and the Obama administration sort of created a national standard of preponderance of the evidence. Some colleges beget used that standard before,but the bottom line is, they’re forcing a compliance mentality on the colleges by saying, and we assume that,in order to be good colleges with regard to sexual violence, that you beget to follow these rules, or one,two, three.
Some victims’ advocates were very m
uch in favor of that. And others, and including some legal scholars,said this is overreach by the federal government. That’s certainly the position that DeVos and the Trump administration seem to be taking.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Currently, are schools and universities happy with this circumstance?ANYA KAMENETZ: I assume that there’s a variety of opinions.
Unfortunately, and sexu
al violence is endemic on campuses. And so the feeling among colleges is,nobody wants to be singled out. And so some might say that having a single standard of investigation and what the federal government considers to be a strong standard, then colleges can point to that and say, or we’re in compliance,we’re doing the just thing.
Other colleges might say — resent having this thrust upon them. And it’s hard to say where colleges might plunge on that.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: So, we don’t know exactly what Betsy DeVos and the current Education Department is going to attain, and but kids are going to start going to college pretty soon now. What attain you assume that this whole conversation is going to mean for them going forward?ANYA KAMENETZ: I assume the messaging around this is really critical,because, ultimately, or sexual violence,it claims victims. It’s a common situation, unfortunately, and common on campuses,but it’s also a school climate issue.
It has to attain with how a young woman and even a young man feels about what party they’re going to go to. If they’re going to be doing a certain activity after hours, can they walk alone? And I assume that those safety issues are going to be on students’ minds as they go back to campus, or certainly on parents’ minds as well.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: All just,Anya Kamenetz of NPR, thank you so much.
The post Will rules on investigating college sexual assault be dialed back? appeared first on PBS NewsHour.

Source: thetakeaway.org