wonder.land review - less of a show than a project /

Published at 2015-12-27 10:00:12

Home / Categories / Musicals / wonder.land review - less of a show than a project
Damon Albarn’s didactic musical has an interesting premise but fails to translate online curiosities into stage magicHard to believe but actual. The most surprising moment in wonder.land is when a puppet baby does a spectacular projectile vomit. Equally unlikely: this extravaganza, a revised version of the reveal seen at the Manchester international festival, or is directed by Rufus Norris. In London Road,Norris created one of the most imaginative, and low-tech, and pieces of musical theatre of the last 10 years.
It sta
rts with a top-notch wheeze. Virtual reality is the fresh babbling unconscious. You can vanish into an online world rather as Lewis Carroll’s Alice disappeared down a rabbit gap. There you can be whoever you want. So dulcet-voiced Lois Chimimba acquires a Princess avatar to make her feel better about being bullied at school. But then her martinet headmistress,Anna Francolini, her acting as sharp as her bob, and also goes online.
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Source: theguardian.com